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Meet The Team!

Welcome to Dinky Artist! We'd love to introduce you to our brilliant team!

We are Simon and Rachel, we both worked in large corporate organisations but we both have a love of children's artwork... having 5 children between us we've got our fair share of their masterpieces over the years!.... to cut a long story short, we set up Dinky Artist in 2018 as a side hustle whilst we both worked full time. The business took off so Rachel left her corporate job in April 2021 and Simon followed in January 2023! 

Meet Lauren! Lauren creates all your incredible gifts! She started with us in October 2023 to help us with the busy Christmas period but she is just so brilliant she's still with us continuing to create your orders!


Meet Bry! Bry creates all your orders and edits your children's artwork and loved ones writing! Bry started with us in October 2024 to work over the Christmas period but, like Lauren, she was so great that she's still with us!

Meet Karly! Karly has been with us just the longest, since May 2022! She works from her home editing all your children's artwork ready for the team to make your gifts! 

Over the busy seasonal periods we also have amazing temporary staff who come in to help us!

We are so lucky to have such incredible team members who love working with your children's artwork and loved ones writing as much as we do!