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Art Therapy at Home

At Dinky Artist we want to support you with free resources to practice Art Therapy at home with your children. We are not Art Therapists here but we work closely with the Teapot Trust charity who are registered Art Therapists and who are the complete the experts!

Below you'll find videos, techniques, guides and excitedly downloadable colouring in sheets so you can get creative at home. We really hope you and your children enjoy this.

Guidance for Parents

What is Art Therapy and how it works

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Art Therapist Videos

Videos to follow along to at home

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Therapeutic Art Techniques

Calming techniques to increase positive wellbeing

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Downloadable Activities

Free downloads for you to print and use at home!

view activities


Proven to help your child with anxiety, stress and depression

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The Positive Doodle Diaries

A selection of amazing books for you and your child!

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Comfort Teddies

Teddies your child can create to help comfort them

create a teddy